Pu-Erh Superfruit
Pu-Erh Superfruit
Pu-Erh Superfruit
Pu-Erh Superfruit

Pu-Erh Superfruit

Looking for the ultimate healthy Pu-erh tea? Our Pu-Erh Superfruit combines the metabolism-boosting properties of Pu-erh with colorful berries rich in antioxidants. With a lively blend of blueberry, pomegranate, raspberry, and strawberry, this tea works well hot or iced. The deep Pu-erh flavors are well balanced with natural fruity sweetness. Cheers to your good health! Serving Size:  * Sample (4-6 servings) * 4oz (56 servings) * 8oz (112 servings) * 16oz (224 servings)