We offer seven of Equal Exchange Coffee blends, all ground.
Ethiopian- Full roast with bold fruity flavors and aromas with notes of ginger, brown sugar and butter. 12 ounces
French Roast- Dark roast full of bittersweet chocolate richness and a subtle smoky flavor. 10 ounces
Mind, Body & Soul - Blend of medium and Vienna Roots. 12 ounces
Decaffeinated - Smooth and balanced with flavor notes of brown sugar and golden raisin. No added flavoring, decaffeinated without chemicals. 8 ounces
Columbian Full -Our Colombian coffee is bright, zesty and complex with tasting notes of grapefruit, floral, and lime. 12 ounces
Love Buzz Organic-This dark and velvety smooth favorite is bold and intense with tasting notes of molasses, toasted marshmallow, and walnut. 10 ounces
Women in Coffee Blend-This smooth, medium roast blend balances sweetness with tasting notes of molasses, cocoa, and mixed berries. No added flavoring. 9 ounces